I do know some bucks go full nocturnal for much of their life . But we all know deer are basically nocturnal animals for the most part .
We have a doe or 2 that are pretty good in the go away for a while and show back up crowd as well. I have a real old crooked nose one that stays for longs periods and then goes away for a few months ,only to return once again .
It might very well just be the local pattern of these particular deer . One 12 point shed I found is from a buck we have never seen and it makes me wonder about him and the possibility of others like him . I had a real tall 10 show up last year after season one time on camera and I have never seen him since either . I did have an 8 that showed up late in the season this year that was a young duplicate rack configuration of the 10 .
I suppose when your woodlot is small like ours you will likely see some quite often and maybe others almost never . Probably due to our place being on the outer most fringe of their home range possibly ?