Just can't wait to be on the road again.....well....really I can wait, but it is getting too dang hot to be comfortable. So.......
Will leave the area early in the morning, head up to Atlanta (so Sheryl can see that "biggest aquairium in the U.S.") Then on over to Longview, Texas to visit with parents for a few days. After that, head down to Houston area to see kids/grandkids and try to talk them into taking an ol man fishing.
Guess we will hang around Texas for a week or so, then on to Missouri cuz Sheryl's daughter is getting married. Will remain in that area till the 16/17th of july and HOPE to have a contract to go to by then. If no contract, will prolly head on back here. going to leave the boat and Ford here and if/when we get a contract, will fly back to get them.
Thats about it. Just letting yall know so you will know why I will not be in here very often.
Take care, have a wonderful summer and, above all, stay healthy. Looking forward to a "normal" year next year......and a lot more fishin.