Quote Originally Posted by ultraslab View Post
I've been amazed lately as I've started to set the hook when I see a fish charge my jig and do what appears as a loop de loop when he get's there. I've been assuming too much with the sensistivity of my slow taper special with 3# twitch master I would feel something, but I've learned that if the fish is swimming hard right at your jig he's putting enough slack when he takes it you feel nothing. Amazed at how much my connect rate has gone up just by seeing and setting. Scott
If fish is doing the loop it’s already had the jig in it’s mouth a bit and is trying to get off. If you spend enough time behind the Livescope you will be able to see the bite on the screen before you ever see the line move or feel anything in a lot of cases. I fish a 1/64 under a 1/4 oz weight a lot. With this rig if you don’t learn to see the bite on the screen you will miss more fish than you catch.