Quote Originally Posted by fishingreg View Post
I'm a little confused, are you saying that if you are using the unit for livescope all the units have the same resolution? I am looking at getting the Echomap Ultra 102SV because it has higher resolution than some other units. I have seen videos that lead me to believe that units with higher resolution have a higher resolution with livescope as well with the lvs32 transducer. If that is not true, I might re-think my decision.

You are correct on resolution. The difference on the 93 is this, the 93svUHD produces higher resolution on Side and Down imaging. But between those two units usin just for live scope there is no difference. So if your buying the 93 for live scope only then the on sale unit is Best Buy. Which s what I just did. The unit your looking at does have higher resolution and should give you a sharper picture on live scope. I fished with a 93 and I could see it very good so to me it’s just how much you can afford to spend. No different than do I buy a mega unit or non mega unit. Is the higher resolution and sharper picture really worth the extra money to YOU? Not what my opinion is and works for me.