Q.......Does the onix 10 have touch issues? Mine does.so I would have to say fact on this one.
Q..... does the onix 10 have a slow boot time? Mine is slow and it is an issue.so that would be another fact.
Q.......do people have dead spots in there fingers? I really don't no the answer to this one.could be fact or fiction, but I'll say this, there's some spots on my onix, that you could use your finger, foot or elbow and nothing happens.
Q........Is the onix 10 a good unit? Yes it is.this is definitely a fact. But theres some bugs that nead to be worked on
Q......is the prosser, in the onix to slow? I think this is a myth.i believe the problem is software.we'll have to wait and see on this one
Q.....does using a bigger wire help the touch functions on the onix? I've got to say myth here.i use 10 gauge hooked straight to the battery.