hey yall ive been following tis site for awhile trying to learn the best cover or ways to make myself some tops to fish, several months ago i made about 12 tops using 5 gallon buckets and concrete with pvc. i bought 20ft joints of 3/4' pvc and cut them in 6ft and 4 ft pieces i put four 4ft and four 6ft to each bucket and when finished they were about 5ft tall due to the angle the pipe ran out of the bucket, before i got the chance to sink them i moved and now live closer to another lake and decided to find a place in the closer lake and save time and gas sincle the boat launch is only 1/2 mile from my house, problem is the lake is alot deeper so i added about 8-10ft of bamboo into the end of each pvc pipe, turned out looking really good (to me anyway) dont know about the fish, anyways i sunk 4 in one spot and 2 in another and after soaking a week and a half i started catching crappie from them, it really helped my feelings alot since this was my first time of doing this, oh and i also sanded each pvc pipe to make it rough. just thought id share this, i plane to make more of theses i figure once the bamboo has started to rot and decay ill still have pvc tops to fish on. good luck good fishing.