I've been collecting buckets for bamboo condos and it struck me that an upside down bucket sitting on the floor of my garage kinda looks like a small tree-stump.

I'm thinking about taking some of the buckets and trying to figure out a way to sink them to make a man made stump field. I'm thinking maybe the best way to do it would be to find a way to make the bucket float and then tie it to a cinder block where it would suspend a foot or two off the bottom, do yall think they would attract fish?

I'm thinking maybe cut up some foam pool noodles and glue them to the bottom of the inside of the bucket and then use some sort of spray in foam to encase them in and protect them from getting waterlogged. I found some spray foam at lowes used for sealing the gaps between stones on artificial waterfalls that is supposed to be fish and plant safe.

I am wondering if I should try to paint the buckets a darker color to make them look more natural, the buckets I have are all either white or yellow. Also, I am considering using aquarium glue to affix lengths of bamboo to the outside of the buckets to provide for algea growth to make them more attractive to the fish.

what do yall think, is it worth trying?