• 100 Hooks Moes Meets Rockport Rattler's "Outlaw Max Game Changer"

    Ever since I was a kid, I always hated to get a strike, and miss a fish. I could not stand it. It irritated me so, to know that it was that close and to just not get it done. A fish hit my bait, and I'll never know what it was. It could have been “this” big fish or “that” even bigger fish; and by the end of the day, in my head, it was the biggest.

    I've even had fish hit my bobber. All this infuriated me so much that I did some of the craziest things. I put hooks everywhere. I actually hung hooks off my bobbers. I've caught fish that way too. I have a picture somewhere to prove it.

    When casting crank baits I even used some of those wobble baits that have two treble hooks in the front, and two treble hooks in the back. I wanted to hook that fish even if it looked at my bait. Whatever it took, I wanted to “git'er done”. Hooks everywhere. Over time my nickname became “100 Hooks Moes”! I am not kidding.

    As a kid, I shied away from regular jigs because they only had one hook. I wanted more. Finally, after all these years someone has come out with exactly that. A multiple hook jig. Whitey Outlaw working with Rockport Rattler has come out with the ultimate jig.

    This really is the next best thing since sliced bread. No more halfway hits. Something hits this, it's done. It's in the live-well. Ain't nothing gonna miss at least one hook with these things.

    The hooks can be bent any way you want them. You can even cut one off and just use two. In heavy cover, maybe you do remove one, and point the two remaining ones up. I love it. This provides a new level of flexibility and customization that we have never had before. Heck, you could even hang a minnow off one hook and a plastic off another. Wow, my head just exploded considering the possibilities.

    Some of you may have read about my trip on the St. John River in Florida where I was first introduced to the “Outlaw Max Game Changer” but if you missed it, here's a link: http://www.crappie.com/crappie/conte...n-the-St-Johns

    I only received these few pre-production samples at Whitey's Writers Camp. I'm checking now on the general availability of the “Max Game Changer” and will let you know as soon as I hear (if it's not already out there, I'm sure it won't be long). Hang on, cause with these the fish sure will!

    UPDATE - Availability is expected in late April, 2014.

    Comments 16 Comments
    1. Speckanator's Avatar
      Speckanator -
      GOT TO HAVE SOME OF THESE....awesome looking!!!
    1. usafret99's Avatar
      usafret99 -
      Not like you miss that many fish you need hooks everywhere.
    1. BuckeyeKdog's Avatar
      BuckeyeKdog -
      I snag enough with one hook, cannot imagine what would happen with three.
    1. Billbob's Avatar
      Billbob -
      i am with you on snags
    1. RetiredRR's Avatar
      RetiredRR -
      Two of those hooks would wind up in one or two of my fingers.
    1. CCcrappiejohn's Avatar
      CCcrappiejohn -
      Between snags and hooks in fingers, mmmmm doubtful for me.
    1. boatdocksam's Avatar
      boatdocksam -
      snag city
    1. dfar's Avatar
      dfar -
      I am with RetiredRR I would spend most of my time trying to get those extra hooks out of my fingers.
      They do look nice though.
    1. prefers shiners's Avatar
      prefers shiners -
      those look wicked....a real game changer....yesterday fishing one ft. deep with a shiner had a big bass hit my cork (bobber)......
    1. usafret99's Avatar
      usafret99 -
      yea, i come home with enough cuts and holes poked in me, dont need to add to it. really don't see a benefit, just another useless gadget!
    1. Slab's Avatar
      Slab -
      I disagree with most of the comments here. I think its another tool for the tool box. Don't have to use it all the time. I think it's great where there's not heavy cover. And if you're are fishing cover, You can always cut one hook off like this.

      I don't catch that many fish, I like anything that has the potential to half my misses.
    1. skinner80's Avatar
      skinner80 -
      I would be interesting in trying a jig with just one additional hook up around the head of the jig since I think allot of the missing are from when fish suck in the jig head first instead of tail....
    1. Hoosier Crappie's Avatar
      Hoosier Crappie -
      Quote Originally Posted by Slab View Post
      I disagree with most of the comments here. I think its another tool for the tool box. Don't have to use it all the time. I think it's great where there's not heavy cover. And if you're are fishing cover, You can always cut one hook off like this.

      I don't catch that many fish, I like anything that has the potential to half my misses.
      Agreed. I have everything else & feel like I've tried everything and I'm open minded to new methods & lures & strategies. Definitely would like to see how these do! Could be a difference maker. Please let us know when available & where to get some.
    1. lil re-speck's Avatar
      lil re-speck -
      interesting with all technology we have today where's the challenge left in just fishing?
    1. specktacklure's Avatar
      specktacklure -
      more hooks = more fishes
    1. fishwalton's Avatar
      fishwalton -
      Tempting, but the jury may be out for a while on this one. I would like to see a few 'for real' reviews, before would consider buy. That thing looks down right harmful to mankind!
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