• Slab day at Talquin

    Today Eileen and I caught some real nice slabs, we didn't get any 2 lb. fish but several were just a few ounces from 2 pounds. All fish were caught long lining in 30' to 35', the fish were hanging close to the bottom. We had a good morning with boating 26 and several of them were 14" plus. The closes one to 2lbs. was a 14 3/4 that weighted 1.87lbs and several others were right at 1 3/4 lbs. The evening bite was also good and we managed to boat 15 more, how ever the size was not as good as the morning fish. It was a great day to be on the water, the fishing was just a bonus. This morning I called TNT's uncle Ken to see if he wanted some fish and he said yes so we took him some, very nice man. The rest of our catch was catch and release. With weather coming in tomorrow I may take a day off and go to bass pro for some line and 1/4 oz jig heads, sorry Curtis, I only need a dozen and I cant wait until next week. I will stock up your light wire jigs next year when I come down. Love those litewire hooks, I lost over 100 jigs until I got some from Curtis, sense than I only lost about 2 dozen.

    Some of today's catch

    Eileen is holding the 1.87 lb. fish

    two 14's

    TNT's uncle Ken

    The end of the story

    This article was originally published in forum thread: Slab day at Talquin started by Anchor Man View original post
    Comments 12 Comments
    1. litewirehooker's Avatar
      litewirehooker -
      You have become a Crappie.com Icon since you have been fishing Talquin.......Good Luck at Cresent
    1. RogerA's Avatar
      RogerA -
      I wish I could take another trip down there.
    1. catman's Avatar
      catman -
      way to go, nice pics
    1. Monark King190's Avatar
      Monark King190 -
      Awesome story
    1. Billbob's Avatar
      Billbob -
      great picks
    1. bee's Avatar
      bee -
      Your making me want to get down there more every day.
    1. boatdocksam's Avatar
      boatdocksam -
      great read ,pics
    1. Danbo's Avatar
      Danbo -
      Good article Anchor Man. Talquin is a special place with special memories. I have that same sunset shot looking toward Goat Island on my Memory wall.

      Now get down there and make some memories.
    1. RetiredRR's Avatar
      RetiredRR -
      Hope Santa brings you some new scales that weighs crappie closer to 2 and 3 lbs each for all of next year.
    1. Idunno's Avatar
      Idunno -
      Those are some nice fish, Vic. Great photos too. Great report!
    1. Bayoudog's Avatar
      Bayoudog -
      good story
    1. ronetone's Avatar
      ronetone -
      some nice pics and good looking fish
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