• Mr. Crappie New Reel Review

    Read EVERYTHING below. In fact, it really is more interesting to read the entire original thread, but here's a brief summary.

    POSTED BY KMAN ON 8/15/2013:
    I ordered these the INSTANT I saw the post announcing them....I only vertical jig fish and have been longing for a GOOD lightweight reel for 10 years...and when I say that, I mean a lineholder really. in south Louisiana, my deepwater is 14' of water with fish holding 7-8...maaaaybe 10' deep. structure, suspended, schooling...doesn't matter they wont be any deeper than that. Since I exclusively one pole jig vertically, I use a 9' sams and set my jig to the line keeper (about 7' of line out) and keep it there...really...year round. When they spawn, I flip it to the bank and tite line let it fall vertically to the deeper water (6-8'), when they are deep (heat of summer dead of winter) I MIGHT lengthen to a foot past the rod butt, but I can still lift the fish up to swing it in or net and do NOT ever reel a fish in. All that was available in the past was the little black reels for $6 or the red B n M for $5 (which I had settled on for 10 years and broke MANY. everything else is too bulky and heavy to use and hold your hand out all day. But, they were the best available for shallow water vertical fishing, weighed NOTHING and didn't get in the way. Money was not a real factor,,,,would have paid $50 for a better one.

    then I saw wallys new reel...I was thrilled....ordered 3 from Grizzly which I must say was quick and easy...great company. I got the reels in tonight and ripped into a pack like Ralphie opened his Red Ryder and headed for the shop to install!

    This is the best constructed reel in its class ($15.95) that a man could ask for. Its light...its SMOOTH...I have calcuttas that don't reel this smooth or have anti reverse that work this good. The drag is EASY to get to in a hurry (like when you hook an 8lb cat by accident) and the flick of a finger on the handle makes the counterweight on the reel send the handle around 5 times like spinners on a 83 Impala.,,,

    and there lies the problem...as I played with it installed on my super sam rod...I noticed that there IS NO WAY TO LOCK THE HANDLE (REEL) FROM REELING UP THE LINE....CANT BE DONE. The anti reverse (or the drag if you want tension but not dead stop) WILL stop if from line peeling off...that's no problem. But the handle turns SO EASILY (counterweight) that just handling the rod causes the reel to REEL UP A LITTLE LINE WITH EACH JIGGLE WIHTOUT EVEN TOUCHING THE REEL! I took the reel apart trying to find a way to stop it from reeling up line when you don't want it to and it CAN NOT BE DONE.

    I was heartbroken. It is the biggest manufacturing blunder since the Delorian! This reel would never be purchased to cast and retrieve the bait, you cant even cast it. And even if you flipped it with a ton of line out the reel is so small (like I like them to be) that you would not choose it for a reel you knew you'd be reeling a lot...you'd by a spinning reel,,,or a baitcaster. SO...this reel is ONLY advantageous to a vertical jig fisherman that just needs a reel to hold his line....and YOU CAN NOT USE IT FOR THAT!

    Wally, I love you brother..I own your rods, your DVD;s...and think you are 10 times the fisherman I could ever be....but you HAVE to take this off the market and fix that ONE thing...and you will sell every one you make. But unfortunately, guys who buy them now are set to be disappointed.

    I will be returning mine tomorow. I REALLY hope you get it fixed with a little click button or something that would lock the reel down..or just let the tension knob do that....I will buy 3 more if you do.

    POSTED BY KMAN ON 8/16/2013:
    Just talked to Wally, what a heck of a guy! He was at the FLW championship in a booth with people trying to talk with him and get autographs and took 10 or more minutes to talk with me. You just don't get that kind of social graces or professionalism from anyone these days...but I got it from him! He explained that the reel has been thru extensive testing and he has personally used it for 11 months and LOVES it. He encouraged me to fish with it and once there is a jig (a little weight) on the line, it wont do that (Good call Slab!). I told him I would use it tomoro morning and post a Re-Review!

    Sorry if I jumped the gun, my brain just couldn't wrap around the concept, and I still need to see it, but that's why I build boats, not reels! lol

    Will post after morning trip!

    POSTED BY KMAN ON 8/17/2013:
    Buy the reel! I used it this morning and gave my buddy one so he used it to....
    none of my fears were substantiated...the reel operated flawless and is the highest quality I've seen yet...the drag is a REAL drag system instead of tension washers that break. in fact...i cant c what would break. i expect it to last a long time...

    I am very pleased and VERY glad that i was wrong! don't tell my wife i said that...
    This article was originally published in forum thread: Mr. Crappie New Reel Review started by Kman View original post
    Comments 10 Comments
    1. Billy E's Avatar
      Billy E -
      I cant wait to get 1
    1. Billbob's Avatar
      Billbob -
      KMAN you are stand up
    1. japhill's Avatar
      japhill -
      After reading this, I think I will have to try one, thanks for the review.
    1. Crappie 1's Avatar
      Crappie 1 -
      Looks & sounds just like the Black Betty I bought last winter for ice fishing. I really like it.
    1. toofuss's Avatar
      toofuss -
      At half the price
    1. Mr.Crappie's Avatar
      Mr.Crappie -
      Thanks KMAN , I just saw this when i clicked on crappie.com ! This is why I like crappie.com and all the members ! Good Fishing Wally Marshall
    1. Baxter1's Avatar
      Baxter1 -
      Thought about getting one of these for ice fishing also.
    1. ronetone's Avatar
      ronetone -
      didn't even know this was out, will get one to try out
    1. Luvfatslabs's Avatar
      Luvfatslabs -
      Had to order a few
    1. litewirehooker's Avatar
      litewirehooker -
      Plan on ordering one with my next supply order.....and look out Lilly Pads in the spring at Lake Talquin
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