• "G" and Hook One Attack Sardis

    Hook One and I headed for Sardis. It was a great day....overcast and very little wind. Water temp was 83 degrees.

    We pulled some custom painted 300 Bandits that ScottV and Machuu painted up for us.

    We ended up with 25 crappie caught....14 11 inchers released....11 keepers 12 and a half to 15 inches kept.

    We also caught 4 dadgummed catfish two of which tangled all 6 of our lines up really bad. Then we caught one Stripe.

    After pulling crankbaits at 1.8 mph for 6 hrs. we got off the water just before the big monsoon hit....lots of rain big drops close together lol.

    I couldn't see to drive so we pulled in at the Dam Store and got something to eat while we waited the storm out. It was a great day to be on the water.

    New Crappie.com shirt. These are great......very light.....very cool....made with performance material and the white part is a mesh ......very cool shirt to wear in warm weather. Says Crappie.com across the front. Here is what the back looks like.....

    They are available here: http://www.crappiewear.com/Crappieco...hirt_p_35.html
    Comments 11 Comments
    1. RetiredRR's Avatar
      RetiredRR -
      Great photos & fish plus calm water. Excellent day to fish.
    1. shipahoy41's Avatar
      shipahoy41 -
      Quote Originally Posted by RetiredRR View Post
      Great photos & fish plus calm water. Excellent day to fish.
      Love that c.com shirt. Most impressive.
    1. Billbob's Avatar
      Billbob -
      who did the netting and the fetching ?????
    1. rducks123's Avatar
      rducks123 -
      Good job G.
    1. Barnacle Bill's Avatar
      Barnacle Bill -
      Lookin good!
    1. boatdocksam's Avatar
      boatdocksam -
      good read
    1. Crappie 1's Avatar
      Crappie 1 -
      HI "G" Looks like you had yourself a pretty nice time. Good deal...
    1. ifish4redd's Avatar
      ifish4redd -
      nice crappie,great pics
    1. "D"'s Avatar
      "D" -
      Nice!! Slab, please find a prettier model for the shirts. He's a heck of a salesman and a super promoter of c.c., but model, c'mon man!! Just kidding "G". Just jealous.
    1. ronetone's Avatar
      ronetone -
      sounds like a great time and like that new shirt design
    1. Slab's Avatar
      Slab -
      Gary aka "Hook One" passed last night. RIP Gary.
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