• 3 and Out!

    Walked into the lake today and was greeted by a light drizzle. Caught one before it really let loose and figured it was just a quick passing shower. An hour later and still under the umbrella wondering what's up. They weren't calling for any rain today. Almost stopped and was able to grab two more. Decided to head out when it picked up again and don't ya know it finally quit about half way out. Can't complain, any day fishin is a good day. Thanks for lookin!

    This article was originally published in forum thread: 3 and Out! started by moonrunner View original post
    Comments 3 Comments
    1. "G"'s Avatar
      "G" -
      Pretty ones
    1. Barnacle Bill's Avatar
      Barnacle Bill -
    1. Anchor Man's Avatar
      Anchor Man -
      Those are some pretty looking fish, love the colors.
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