• Incredible underwater video - by TJ Stallings

    You can click here to see the video, or below.

    One of our customers asked for a video of the Road Runner Buffet Rig. (A chance to go fishing and call it work.) Brother Ron and I headed for the clear waters of Lake Martin. The sound you’ll hear in the video is exceptional considering the camera is sealed in an acrylic case. While we have heard Road Runners underwater before, we were surprised by the sound of the Buffet Rig. The second blade adds a feature we’ve not experienced, harmonics. Ironically, it sounds similar to a school of shad, in a hurry. I hope you enjoy it.

    TJ Stallings

    Comments 5 Comments
    1. "G"'s Avatar
      "G" -
      Thats a great rig.....I have tried it and I like it.
    1. Billbob's Avatar
      Billbob -
      that is neat
    1. Lotech Joe's Avatar
      Lotech Joe -
      No wonder I like Road Runners. Do you find that the ones with red hooks work any better or worse that the normal hooks?
    1. RetiredRR's Avatar
      RetiredRR -
      I'm a red hook believer. And I like red eyes on my jigs too.
    1. drifterdon's Avatar
      drifterdon -
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