• I’m not dead. LOZ

    The Title is because I haven’t posted in what feels like a year.

    The fish are not completely stacked under the docks yet. They are there tho. So with enough traveling you can manage a limit Before lunch.
    I found bigger fish in main channels. I Found fish in 6 FOW AND In 50 FOW. I mainly focus on reaction bites. I Didn’t let jig fall to far before reeling it back in. The color didn’t matter much. I used darker body’s and some pinks and reds.

    This article was originally published in forum thread: I’m not dead. LOZ 10-28 started by KSFisherman View original post
    Comments 7 Comments
    1. gravelman6's Avatar
      gravelman6 -
      Nice fish
    1. "G"'s Avatar
      "G" -
      Nice pic
    1. StantheMan2567's Avatar
      StantheMan2567 -
      Good Catch.
    1. scrat's Avatar
      scrat -
      Wow! Nice catch. Thanks for sharing the report and picture.
    1. Jerry Bryant's Avatar
      Jerry Bryant -
      Glad that you are not dead!! Good report.
    1. Crestliner08's Avatar
      Crestliner08 -
      Good report and some nice crappie there.
    1. CDMo's Avatar
      CDMo -
      Nice fish
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