• Dumb and Dumber er ....

    That's about how todays episode went I tell ya , we spent a lot of time looking at each other trying to decide if it was the luck of the draw .....or dumb luck or maybe even dumber er luck
    So we have a plan , I have a day off for spring break and tell my 2 at home I will be back well before lunch and head out in the dark with 2 paddles and my lil john boat . I get to the lil lake before my bud about 2 minutes and pitch a jig and float off the boat ramp . Bam fish on and its fighting pretty darn hard and then right on the hoist off comes a whopper bluegill . Wrong kinda fish darnit
    So we put in and paddle off to an area we hurt them along some cattails about a month ago before the ice storm jacked up everything . Get over there and proceed to ketch a bluegill or 2 and miss lots of bites . Head off to a few other areas back in the creek part of the lake and find a mixed bag of a few crappie ,bass and bluegills . I tell my bud lets head for the dogwood red bud bluff across the lake and we work our way in that direction . We ketch a few here and there and then we get to the destination I am pretty sure will rock and sure enough its on like DONKEY KONG !
    We proceed to lose more fish in one outing than I care to mention I tell ya and both of us are blaming our jigs and things that could go wrong seem to on several levels . So he wants to keep a bunch and we have a nice stringer going and we decide to head on to the truck and we stop for just a few last pitches .
    Now it gets really dumb , the stringer slips over the side after we put a last fish on it and starts to sink FAST . Well it could get dumber for sure and we both lean over and try to grab it ....DUMBER ER ...boats takes a lil water over the side and my bud says let em go ! Now I am a bit more dumber er er than most and say NO WAY and stick my arm in to my armpit and grab the last few on the stringer .....Needless to say several are headed off the other end as I pull it up , but hey we left with 20 or so and didn't get to wet ...
    Fish were in full spawn mode and most were close to the bank in 3 to 5 foot of water .
    seemed to want orange or chart bright as you had with you and we lost so many after hooking them it was beyond imagination ...take was about 50 50 male female
    sure was fun and we laughed about all of it even though it was one of our dumber er outings ...
    stay tuned and have a great day

    This article was originally published in forum thread: Dumb and Dumber er .... started by Ketchn View original post
    Comments 7 Comments
    1. gravelman6's Avatar
      gravelman6 -
      A good outing all and all and laughs to share.
    1. Redge's Avatar
      Redge -
      I have had days like that. Thanks for the post.

      Sent from my iPhone using Crappie.com Fishing mobile app
    1. scrat's Avatar
      scrat -
      Wow! Nice stringer of crappie for sure. Thanks for sharing the report and pictures.
    1. ET Fish's Avatar
      ET Fish -
      Them ol boys put on their best suits for you guys! Great report and pics!
    1. "G"'s Avatar
      "G" -
      Good job Ketchin
    1. TerryD's Avatar
      TerryD -
      Way to go outlaw! Ain't nothing swimming anywhere that's purtier than a black crappie...
    1. Lonnie84's Avatar
      Lonnie84 -
      Enjoyed your story and the pics that is a really nice mess of fish, thank goodness the part about grabbing for the stringer and taken on a little water turned out okay it could have gotten ugly in a hurry. Best pic of all is the ones which shows you wearing a life vest!
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