• Moose and Monsters/pics

    This was a morning of Monsters. It started of on the way the fishing hole. First was a beautiful Bull Moose. He was just a few yards from us and was not going to give up his area to anyone. We stopped and took many pics and a couple videos. Nothing seemed to bother him. After awhile we went on our way. The fishing was slow. I did get a very nice 16 inch slab which was released. Soon after came another monster. This being about a 15 lb. Pike. But that was not the story. I had hooked a smaller pike and this one grabbed it. Mind you I was fishing with 2 lb test line. I says no way will I get this fish to the boat. Not knowing that I had 2 pike on. That is not till I was able to get it to the surface. Then it was on. With hopes of maybe landing them both we got the net ready. It was ok till it got to the boat. Then the big one let go. But it was not done and came back for another look at what it had let loose of. It wanted to get another bite but missed. We were ready with the camera and did get a couple pics. Also in the photos is one of me taking a pic of the big slab with a reflection of me in the water with the fish. maybe one of the best shots I have got. By the way it was 29 at launch.

    This article was originally published in forum thread: Moose and Monsters/pics started by bee View original post
    Comments 11 Comments
    1. Tony the Tiger's Avatar
      Tony the Tiger -
      Boy howdey. Awesome
    1. scrat's Avatar
      scrat -
      Wow! Never know what you will see or catch when you go fishing. Thanks for sharing the beautiful pictures.
    1. Billbob's Avatar
      Billbob -
      great picks
    1. elkhunter's Avatar
      elkhunter -
      Great post, thanks!
    1. Hippie Bob's Avatar
      Hippie Bob -
      Really nice pics. Did you see Rocky? You saw Bullwinkle. Hopefully Boris and Natasha weren't around!
    1. Speck Detector's Avatar
      Speck Detector -
      Amazing day on the water.....beautiful country!
    1. Alphahawk's Avatar
      Alphahawk -
      Great fish and pics.

    1. RetiredRR's Avatar
      RetiredRR -
      Heart rate very high and excitement galore. You had a great day for sure.
    1. Anchor Man's Avatar
      Anchor Man -
      Sounds like a great morning on the water and the pictures and story behind them was also great. Keep them coming Wayne.
    1. shadow's Avatar
      shadow -
      That is some amazing pictures! Thanks for sharing!
    1. "G"'s Avatar
      "G" -
      good pictures
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