• This and that and then some .....

    Pretty busy these days with life in general . its a jerry springer episode in some areas and just flat work work work in others , and then i get home and the honey do list is like ?......well you know the drill i am sure . anyway been out a bit here and there pitching jigs from the dock and the bank and thought maybe i should post up some photos and a few details .

    Hit a public fishing barge with silentkilla a few days ago , the fish were just under the surface from 6 to 9pm and went to flat out schooling on top when it got dark . it was pretty odd watching them take a jig 10 inches under the surface and even odder that it had to move real fast to get bit .the fish ran small but WOW was that fun .

    The bank bite this week has been good as well and the fish are nice size sometimes . the day time fish during my lunch break ,are about 7 foot down in 12 foot of water and the night fish were about 1 foot down in 14 foot of water .almost all were managed under a float and i just use jigs but most of yawl already know that .

    Most visits to the water are about an hour cept for the fishing barge and i got 3 out there . hope to post a better fish story soon but till then ....a few of this and that in the mix and then some crappie ...all released like i normally do ....

    Until i have more time to spend on a fishy story and some ketchn i hope this will hold ya .......
    here are some photos and i hope yawl enjoy them
    and as always hope you have a nice day ....

    This article was originally published in forum thread: this and that and then some ..... started by Ketchn View original post
    Comments 5 Comments
    1. scrat's Avatar
      scrat -
      Wow! Nice catch. Thanks for sharing the report and pictures.
    1. Billbob's Avatar
      Billbob -
      good picks
    1. Hippie Bob's Avatar
      Hippie Bob -
      Very nice fish. I am wondering. What bait is that?
    1. brucec's Avatar
      brucec -
      Great report and pics.
    1. Ketchn's Avatar
      Ketchn -
      Quote Originally Posted by Hippie Bob View Post
      Very nice fish. I am wondering. What bait is that?
      I was using a bait a friend makes in 2 different styles . One is a tadpole bait like Bob's jigs makes and the larger bait is called a Mr. fry from thermocline lures in the pearl ice coloration. And the little yellow bait was a lil fry
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