• Labor Day Travels ......

    Went out with the family yesterday to prepare my set ups for the annual fall deer hunt . The deer were just like always when we got there and all seems to point towards a typical season . Some of the younger versions just stand around looking when we arrive and the larger smarter ones have a tendency to avoid us . I found a large amount of those big red and black rather mean paper wasps in the blind that needed a new roof . bombed them and went on about business 15 minutes later . we tried to get a crappie bite in the 2 ponds even though it was midday but they wasnt have none of that and the water clarity was like ZERO . managed a few bream and went down the road to a public lake to swim and see how the crappie there were doing .my 2 passengers swam while i got to business on the crappie .
    the crappie there were in a the typical mode for that spot in 6 to 14 feet of water . The fish were just above the beaver chews that litter the bottom and were feeding VERY well . Its just public docks and there were some folks hanging around on them being that it was a holiday . i tried 2 different docks with the same results . filled some old boys empty fish basket with some crappie and tied one of my jigs on his line for him and gave him a few baits before i left . Watched him jerk his first one of the day as i pulled out of the parking lot
    here are some photos for yawl to enjoy and YES i hammered the crappie lips quite well in that howling wind out in west texas . i was using a 1/32 with 4 lb test and a 7 foot ultralite . the bait was a very natural color and the shad were abundant around both docks . the water clarity was fair to good for texas at that lake . the fish seemed to want it flickering a bunch and then a fall which is pretty typical in my opinion . most whacked it hard and got broke off twice by larger specimens .
    mighty fine day it was , even had us a steak finger basket at the DQ right in the middle of it all .
    hope you enjoy the read and the photos and have a great day

    This article was originally published in forum thread: labor day travels ...... started by Ketchn View original post
    Comments 4 Comments
    1. hugastump's Avatar
      hugastump -
      Nice article ,looks like a nice holiday catch.
    1. scrat's Avatar
      scrat -
      Wow! Nice crappie. Thanks for sharing the fishing report and pictures.
    1. brucec's Avatar
      brucec -
      Nice report!
    1. Billbob's Avatar
      Billbob -
      good picks
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