• Breaking In New Fishing Partners

    Dawn (Grandma DeDe) and I had the joy of taking our daughter Lauryn and our grandson Reid on their first trip pulling crank baits last weekend. Reid stayed alert the whole time but he gave it up on the boat ride in! lol! I can't wait until he is big enough to reel them in. His mom sure had a blast pulling them in!

    This article was originally published in forum thread: Breaking In New Fishing Partners started by SlabMeister View original post
    Comments 11 Comments
    1. brucec's Avatar
      brucec -
      Great pics, good times.
    1. scrat's Avatar
      scrat -
      Good job. Thanks for sharing the fishing report and pictures.
    1. Billbob's Avatar
      Billbob -
      great times
    1. Dave and Lynn's Avatar
      Dave and Lynn -
      Never to early to get them into fishing. 10-20 years from now you will be able to break out these pics and show him his first start to it all. Good Times. Good Memories. Good for you.
    1. KickIn Chicken's Avatar
      KickIn Chicken -
      Way to go, Thanks for the post.
    1. RetiredRR's Avatar
      RetiredRR -
      You have to start sometime. Now is just fine.
    1. PondLinerRepair's Avatar
      PondLinerRepair -
      Wow you have great time. All snaps are awesome. Thanks for sharing
    1. pesce's Avatar
      pesce -
      The times spent together are never forgotten, memories forever, great pics.
    1. trypman1's Avatar
      trypman1 -
    1. skeetbum's Avatar
      skeetbum -
      I have a Granddaughter to break in myself one day soon. Awesome trip, never to be forgotten.
    1. "G"'s Avatar
      "G" -
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