• When on safari ....do you really need a gun handler ?

    i always thought it was kinda strange to see them shows with em on safari in Africa and some person carrying the guns .
    of course as i got older it became more obvious to me the reasons . first off when its time to run you have less baggage . second when its time to clean something youre weapon stays clean and dust free . third and most important you have a person there that has your back .
    that all said we went on a little crappie ketchn safari at the state park . i knew the fish were done spawning in there but i thought we might be able to ketch a few anyway . some male fish might still be hanging around in a few areas .
    AND thank goodness i had me a crappie FISH HANDLER with me is the gist of this story ....
    she was in the nope i dont wanna ketch them mode ...but i do wanna touch them mode ....
    so we let her just touch a bunch....
    seems now we got us a fish handler .....
    heck she even wanted to touch moms carp as well .......

    This article was originally published in forum thread: when on safari ....do you really need a gun handler ? started by Ketchn View original post
    Comments 8 Comments
    1. scrat's Avatar
      scrat -
      Wow! That's what it is all about making good memories and her smile says it is working. Thanks for sharing the article and pictures.
    1. brucec's Avatar
      brucec -
      Great day for you and your granddaughter.
    1. Billbob's Avatar
      Billbob -
      good times
    1. Tony the Tiger's Avatar
      Tony the Tiger -
      Yup what Scrat said.
    1. RetiredRR's Avatar
      RetiredRR -
      Lavender, camo and crappies.......what a combo. Smiles everywhere.
    1. PondLinerRepair's Avatar
      PondLinerRepair -
      Really you have good time. All pics are awesome. Thanks for sharing your memories.
    1. Dave and Lynn's Avatar
      Dave and Lynn -
      That's great
    1. Ketchn's Avatar
      Ketchn -
      thanks for the nice comments ...we sure enough enjoyed our little camping trip
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