• Where in Tennessee can you catch fish like this?

    Best crappie day ever.
    Never have I found fishing like this in Middle Tennessee.
    All over two pounds.

    I would call BS on this too. But I weighed them.

    Good stuff.
    This article was originally published in forum thread: Where in Tennessee can you catch fish like this? started by hunterchub View original post
    Comments 12 Comments
    1. LowePro's Avatar
      LowePro -
      Dang you SMACKED em brother!!!
    1. STUMP HUNTER's Avatar
      You have to enjoy those day like you had, congrats!
    1. brucec's Avatar
      brucec -
      Nice catch bro!!!!
    1. RetiredRR's Avatar
      RetiredRR -
      Glad you got some photos. Not an everyday thing in my opinion.
    1. plateboater's Avatar
      plateboater -
      Very good day!
    1. Billbob's Avatar
      Billbob -
      great fish
    1. Anchor Man's Avatar
      Anchor Man -
      Great looking slabs, too bad they were not put back to grow bigger for next year.
    1. papasage's Avatar
      papasage -
      Quote Originally Posted by Anchor Man View Post
      Great looking slabs, too bad they were not put back to grow bigger for next year.
      rn them loos to the grease . lol . they are dying of old age now . turn the small ones loose
    1. Dave and Lynn's Avatar
      Dave and Lynn -
      Good catch. Yes where In Tn. did you catch those?
    1. Airwolf49's Avatar
      Airwolf49 -
      WHAT type of Bait, or Rigs were you using...? Water TEMP.?? Thanks...in ADVANCE..
    1. yankee doodler's Avatar
      yankee doodler -
      Them are some hogs! Congrats.
    1. kickingback's Avatar
      kickingback -
      Very nice!
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