• 9/28 Outing

    Well it's been a long summer with limited fishing due to a major job change so haven't been able to develop any patterns on my usual lakes. Changed some rigging last week and the boat is now equipped to longline 8 rods out the back.

    Next upgrades will be adding an 800 series HB fishfinder to the back before my neck is permanently crooked. Also going to put a beach umbrella in between the chairs. After that, on to the front deck with a 2-rod holder on the front left and right and possibly another umbrella. When finished, the boat will be ready to longline 1-4 anglers in comfort. And then of course I need to get some new rods and various lengths.

    Now on to the highlights of the day. #1...my oldest girl just became a teenager and she was the one who begged to go out this morning! While I already own enough guns, her passion for fishing is most reassuring.

    Went to our little 400 acre lake and the first two hours yielded a couple misses and two bluegills. Water temperature was between 80-82, lots of algae, and couldn't find them. Then we decided to troll back towards the boat ramp when the fishfinder exploded with beeps.

    The screen looked like that for about 100 yards. A couple of interesting findings: 1) they would only Acid Rain and Chartreuse colors, 2) I had to slow down to almost 0.4 mph on the trolling motor to get the jigs deep enough (all 1/16 RoadRunners), 3) the bite was hottest between noon and 1:30 (not usual in this lake), and 4) they were under the thermocline.

    Once we got it dialed in, we probably made a dozen passes back and forth over this line and talk about chaos! New record...5 bent rods at once... ALL landed!

    Caught 42, kept 9 for the fryer. Ready to get out there again next weekend!
    This article was originally published in forum thread: 9/28 Outing started by Tundah View original post
    Comments 12 Comments
    1. CUonthelake's Avatar
      CUonthelake -
      Thats an awesome report and thumbs up for the daughter!
    1. Speckanator's Avatar
      Speckanator -
      Like to hear a report like that
    1. brucec's Avatar
      brucec -
      Great report, Thanks for sharing!!!!!
    1. STUMP HUNTER's Avatar
      Enjoyed the report and pics. Looks like you have the boat setup for some great fishing trips. Congrats on the catch.
    1. Billbob's Avatar
      Billbob -
      nice picks
    1. Tundah's Avatar
      Tundah -
      It's been a real fun first year of speck hunting! Thanks for the comments!!
    1. Rod Barrell's Avatar
      Rod Barrell -
      Looks like we just need one more to make it four next weekend.
    1. NYHellbender's Avatar
      NYHellbender -
      Good report
    1. kickingback's Avatar
      kickingback -
      Very nice!
    1. RetiredRR's Avatar
      RetiredRR -
      Got to cover all the bases.
    1. Sawdustsavage's Avatar
      Sawdustsavage -
      nice Hope you get lots of fall fishing time
    1. Luvfatslabs's Avatar
      Luvfatslabs -
      Thanks for sharing
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