• Who's Bragging??

    I have noticed a few sly comments here lately suggesting that some folks consider reports and fish pics bragging. Just in case anybody is wondering while reading my posts if I am bragging, YOU BET YOUR ARSE I AM!!! I dont think I am alone in that. Not all do, but I could name a few. And why shouldn't we? When you spend countless dollars getting rigged up, and countless hours getting skunked, it feels good to be able to show off when everything comes together. I have met a few fishermen in my day who have become cocky and arrogant from notoriety they have received, but I don't think anybody on this site fits that description. C.C is a family, as C.P. would say, and most of the people here would give the shirt off of their back if someone needed it. Take any one of the guys that regularly post pics and ask them for help and I promise you they will. Not to mention dozens of others that dont post anymore because of haters making comments like this. I want to encourage anyone who thinks this way to start sending pms and see what happens.

    That is my rant for the day.

    This article was originally published in forum thread: Who's Bragging?? started by Cmj View original post
    Comments 20 Comments
    1. alcooner's Avatar
      alcooner -
      Like Will Sonnet us't to say"no brag just fact"
    1. jackie53's Avatar
      jackie53 -
      "It did not happen without pictures"!!!!
    1. broz's Avatar
      broz -
      I love to see pic of fish
    1. Iwannafish's Avatar
      Iwannafish -
      Nice mess of fish! I like seeing other people have success. It motivates me, and encourages me to keep trying. If you don't like the pics, don't look!
    1. Billbob's Avatar
      Billbob -
      great picks
    1. Wheeling Jigman's Avatar
      Wheeling Jigman -
      Looks like success to me - nice
    1. elkhunter's Avatar
      elkhunter -
      Nice bunch of fish. I agree, if you don't like the pictures, don't look.
    1. Big K's Avatar
      Big K -
      It ain't bragging if it's true
    1. RetiredRR's Avatar
      RetiredRR -
      You caught 'em and you got the right to brag if you want too. Congrats.
    1. tahoe 50's Avatar
      tahoe 50 -
    1. Pgwilliamson's Avatar
      Pgwilliamson -
      I would do the same to. That's why we get on here is to see fish and pix and pick up new ways to get it done.

    1. Kingfish1's Avatar
      Kingfish1 -
      Congrats good looking catch. Thanks for sharing the pic. When the tailgate drops the bs stops.
    1. ringkitty's Avatar
      ringkitty -
      Keep the pics and stories coming. I love to look and read. I love to see others have success and congratulate them !
    1. finkyfever's Avatar
      finkyfever -
      Nothing better than a tailgate full of slabs. Nice work. Thanks for braggin'!
    1. Anchor Man's Avatar
      Anchor Man -
      Love those pictures, I always post pic's with my post. Not bragging just think a post is not complete without pic's. Thanks for sharing.
    1. Luvfatslabs's Avatar
      Luvfatslabs -
      Keep the pics coming
    1. "G"'s Avatar
      "G" -
      This is a fishing site so keep posting fishing pics
    1. Redge's Avatar
      Redge -
      "When you spend countless dollars getting rigged up, and countless hours getting skunked, it feels good to be able to show off when everything comes together." CMJ

      X2! Keep the pics and the stories coming!
    1. fishinron's Avatar
      fishinron -
      love the pictures, theACA5271959
    1. troutcrazy's Avatar
      troutcrazy -
      I like looking at crappie pics while eating fried fillets and wondering where I'm going to fish tomorrow.
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