Kelly, that was about the only place I could fish close by when I lived in Bauxite. We pretty much fished the same area every time we went there. Back then we long line trolled with 1/16 oz jigs and 6 lb line. We stayed in the main part of the lake and didn't venture too far into either creek arm. It's a fairly deep little lake with water up to 25 feet out in front of the spillway. I would suggest Livescoping where the two channels connect in the center of the lake. May be hard to distinguish where this is but anywhere in the general area should work.
I remember the moss would get pretty bad in the shallower areas. Mainly why I wouldn't fish the creek arms too much. The best I can remember about 6 to 9 feet deep over the deep water is where we used to catch most of our fish. Back then it was mostly black crappie but I did catch a 17 1/2 inch white crappie once.