Man this Arkansas forum sure has been quiet lately! I guess everyone is as busy as I have been with hunting season coming soon. I have been out trying to get my shop up before hunting season in preparation for a taxidermy business. My boat has not been on the water in WELL over a month and a half! I had a good buddy of mine call me up couple days ago and talked me into a fishing trip. Neither of us had all day to fish we had other stuff going on but we said we would give it heck for a couple hours. Man we immediately started catching fish! 6-8fow fishing 5 foot down spider rigging 1/4oz jigs tipped with minners at 0.5mph. Many slabs where thrown into the ice chest. My son tagged along and he got to land several as well and was a minner snatchin fool in an attempt for us to keep our poles baited! We all had a blast! Busy life ran us off before we could limit but we were definitely on the right path! MAN WHAT AN AWESOME DAY TODAY WAS! Thanks John for the invite and the company! My son and I had a BLAST!