The question about turtles in your pond has come up occasionally. So I thought I might comment about them. Should you shoot them or not??? Well ask yourself these questions 1) Are the turtles giving me fits when I fish with a bobber and bait? 2) Are the turtles repeatedly bothering my fish when they are on my stringer in the water? If your answer to both of the questions is "No" then you do not have a turtle problem in your pond. Most of the turtles found in your pond are, most likely, red eared sliders. These are the ones commonly bought in pet stores. They eat most anything including dead fish. They are the vacuum cleaners in your pond. They clean up a variety of items and maintain your pond. They are good for your pond. Soft shells are neat in my book. I leave them alone too. The snapping turtles depending on their size may cause an issue. They are federally protected. You have to make your own mind up on them