I was very happy to have good friends from the past visit over the weekend - we reminisced about our time stationed together and Europe, ate good food, did some pier fishing while the ladies shopped, and of course, hunted crappie.

We put in at Swift Creek amidst a dense fog about 0730 and being my first time, started out with "good ideas". A couple launching at the same time said they been getting them good in the shallows so we tried that without much luck. I did have a nice 2 pound channel cat take my jig - that provided for some excitement.

We we decided to hunt them in deeper water and started scanning for structure near a creek channel. We found a few promising spots and set out six poles for spider rigging. Half rigged with jigs and the other with minnows. Our first spot yielded quick action! Not big fish by any means but we landed at least 15 shorts in a 30 minute span. I was happy if for nothing else I put my old friend on some good action on a place I hade not fished before with a method he knew nothing about.

We moved on looking for bigger fish. We stayed with the same tactic looking for them in 10-14 FOW on structure. Alabama Power started pulling water at a good pace and the fog lifted, which evidently affects the crappie bite... who would figure that?

We managed just two more fish before having to leave just after lunch. Both were nice - a black 15.5" fish and a white slightly smaller. Those were caught on laydowns in 10-12 FOW - fish were suspended at about 8'.

no pictures - sorry. Was having such a good time I failed that step.