OK, while fishing today I am fishing a blow down in a slew. Minding my business, and enjoying the beautiful day with my 8 year old. He hangs up a lot so I troll out away from the tree to retie his jig. I am within 75 ft from my spot. This boat comes flying in...Pulls up right next to me, cuts me off and starts fishing right on me within talking distance, saying "you had any luck". I may take these things bad but when I see a boat fishing I respect their space. I have had this happen a lot lately with pressure being worse than I have ever seen it. I love to talk and talk fishing with guys I meet on the lake but is it not a common courtesy to give people a little space? I was always taught to do this. I just pulled the trolling motor up and said well, I guess its time to move on. Just cant believe some people these days. 2 grown men cutting off a father and a little boy... Is it just me or does this bother others? I guess if you all disagree I will just start doing it myself. haha. I just wanted to see some opinions.One more thing, this is on smith lake. Not a small lake where you have to get close or bridges. In those cases I understand..Its wide open so you can have a little space..Give me your opinion....