Quote Originally Posted by snake River View Post
Mike are you using vinyl paint on your little ice blades. We were using powder paint the problem is if you get it too hot the Sauter melts in the hook Falls off so I have to be really careful if I use the powder paint heat wise.
I am using powder paint. After you solder the ice jig while it is warm, hold the ice jig over the powder paint jar and spoon your color(s) on with the tip of a butter knife. Shake off excess powder paint back into the jar. Continue to hold the ice jig with the forceps. Lightly touch the back of the ice jig with your soldering iron for two seconds at a time and then remove the jig from touching the soldering iron. Repeat this process two seconds at a time. You will see the paint begin to melt. That is when you immediately stop the process. Remove the jig from the forceps and see it aside to cool and dry.

I only make my ice jigs one at a time through the entire process.
