Quote Originally Posted by Jamesdean View Post
Finally got a VA Primary Care Dr. That actually listens to what the patient is saying. Been having some bad pain in my left knee and ankle. Last year they did an MRI and found fluid on the knee and said, well that's the problem and didn't look any further. Gave me a shot, putting more fluid in the knee and said that will fix it. Well, no it didn't. My primary at the time was more concerned with getting a transfer to a big VA hospital it seems as no matter how much I complained, he just pushed more meds.
Enter new Dr, And a Second MRI was done, and low and behold I have two (2) tears in the knee. So Now I'm awaiting for the Orthopedic Specialist to contact me about surgery. Also have a CATSCAN on the same leg, (Actually ankle of that leg), tomorrow to see why I can't put much pressure on it. Shooting pains even with no weight on it keep me awake most of the night. Last primary said it was just scare tissue from breaking it severely back in 1979. Always had pain their since the break but just started getting this bad this last winter. Praying everything can be fixed with the least invasive surgery available...and a quick recovery. Thank you everyone a head of time, and reading my request and rant...Eric, AKA Jamesdean...
My friend, You did the right thing by continuing to seek different medical opinions. My prayers will join yours for a complete healing in the name of Jesus Christ.

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