In my opinion what’s not as much fun as one might think is driving up to Lake Francis Case in SD fishing all weekend and catching 200+ walleye of which 95% are 10 – 15” long and your biggest of the weekend was 18.5”. Knowing every time you hook a fish it’s probably going to be around 14” long. What is exciting to me is driving 2hrs to El Dorado Lake fishing all weekend and my Dad and I catching 15 walleye all over 18”. The 4 biggest being 27”, 25”, 24”, 22”. Knowing every time you hook a fish it’s probably going to be a big one and it could very well be that elusive 30” plus that I dream about. I catch and clean enough crappie to satisfy my fish needs for the year, so I throw all my Walleye back but a 27”, 25”, 24”, 22” Walleye would of gave me quite a lot of meat if I chose to clean them. When my Dad or I catch a small Walleye we refer to it as we caught a South Dakota Walleye. From what I hear SD has a lot of big Walleye but for the last 4 years they seemed to have eluded my hook. I believe the Walleye initiative is a good thing and I hope the 21” minimum, 2 creel max limits stays at El Dorado Lake.