Craig is there a list of the lakes and what limits will be placed on them? He spoke about some lakes I'm interested in and placed a map up there but I couldn't really tell much from the map when it came to some of the smaller impoundments in my area that are being stocked with walleye/saugeye/sauger. He talked some about the use of walleye in these smaller lakes as broadfish to control populations. Why the use of walleye vs wiper for that? I'd like to see the majority of the reservoirs go to the 21" or 24" seasonal limits with the smaller impoundments being at 15". Most of the time when I'm out for walleye I'm looking to catch trophies. There are times however when I'd like to be able to bring a few eaters home and I don't consider a 24" fish an eater. That's why I say I'd be nice to have the smaller impoundments with the lower limits.