Hope everybody enjoyed the meeting last night. For those of you that couldn't be there, here's a brief overview: Tim Broadbent was a great guest and provided a lot of good information regarding the Ky Lake crappie population and its fluctuations, the type of data they compile and the studies performed. We're looking forward to hearing him talk about Reelfoot at the August meeting. So far, we've got 2 boats and 4 fishermen registered for July's night tourney. We voted on the club logo and it should be available in the appropriate digital format in the near future. Now that we have chosen the logo, we'll be able to proceed with purchasing a banner to display at tournaments and other events. George brought up the subject of future charitable and/or civic activities. It would be good to hear suggestions from members for possibilities. Don't forget, the youth tournament is coming up August 17th, so get your young'uns rounded up and start planning!