Decided to hit a Suffolk lake today. Hadn't chased crappie in a bit. Good choice. They were really biting. Slept in and didn't get to the lake until 0700. Caught fish at every stop. Most were 6 feet deep over 12-14 FOW. I tried a bunch of jigs, but the only thing I caught them on was BGBS in Cajun Cricket. I did get bit on every color I tried, but I never caught any fish on any other color. Odd, as I usually do well on Tennesse Shad and junebug/chartreuse. Didn't keep track, but I'd expect I caught well over 80. I kept 10 total, all between 12-14". Eleven inch fish were cheap today. Had fun and left at noon because it was Africa hot with no breeze. Oh yeah, I never saw another boat that appeared to be targeting crappie. Figured that was a bit strange.