Finally back at it and catching lots of big fish. Took an older gentleman out today, didn't get on the water until 9am but did manage to catch plenty of good ones.All fish were caught long lining and nothing on the tight lines. I even tried tipping the tight line rods with minnows and no dice. My biggest fish for the day was a beautiful 2lb7ozer and she was ready to dump her eggs, some even came out while I was taking her off the hook and putting her back. Thinking about bringing a few big ones to Griffin this Saturday,, what do ya think John and Mike? . Tomorrow looks like a great day and crappie queen and I will be out there. Hope to see you all on Saturday, tight lines everyone.

2lb7oz fish

Some more 2lb fish, this is a big male 2lb3oz

This big fish was attached by something, notice the scar on her side.