After working firewood, running a bunch of errands and attending a "virtual" wedding, I packed up the boat and headed out for a short trip. Launched at 4:30 with a breeze out of the northwest but I felt that it would lay down before long and it did, just about 5. Air temp was 56, water temp 55. Here's a couple of shots of some color along the shore.
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Took a long time to get the first one, about 8" on the roadrunner.

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I found them OK, but getting them to bite, well now that's a different story. Best schools were out over the deeper water, suspended 15-20' down.
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Here is what I pulled out of that group in the lower photo:

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An 8" perch, that's all! However, I wasn't giving up and continued to row around looking for other schools and began to pick up a few more crappie. Nothing big tonight, most were 8" or so, maybe a 9 tossed in there, too. Here are a couple:

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This was the big one of the night, about 11 or 12" long.

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I mostly trolled all evening, just a short stint jigging 2 poles that produced nothing; everything came on the slow troll. The gray minnow tube that got the perch was the hot lure tonight. I fished until I could no longer see my rod tips clearly and pulled off at 6:30. Air temperature had dropped to 44 when I spun the truck up to leave. Had dropped to 41 back here at the house about a half hour later. Fall is coming quick.

Total for the trip would be the one perch and I think 10 crappie, give or take one. I had a good time and I'm glad I decided to go.