I got to escape for a few . the crappie were in reverse ? They bit great when I rolled up in short water in the fading sun and the second the sunset it was totally and I mean TOTALLY over ! What the actual heck is that all about I ask ya ?
they were right at my feet in a foot of water in the daylight and hammering and the moon came up and the sun went down and the crappie just flat SHUT OFF ?
I thought my my my did I hit this right , I am gunna get a sore arm tonight . that lake is stupid good in the dark on a full moon shallow and a slam festival is the norm if they are up in the daylight that tight to the bank ?
these fish will keep you guessing I swear .
so in the end did I KABOOM you ask ...well yeah I did for a short bit in short water . then as it often happens someone turned the on switch to off and the rest is history
heck I even hollered at a bud to come whip em with me and 30 minutes later when he showed up you couldn't even get a bream peck
go figure ….