Went out yestdy with HOT temps, 50% chance of rain predicted and HOT on top of that.....ooohhh I mentioned it was HOT already but yes it was HOT.....
Full moon glaring down on me on my way to the lake and I knew from past experience as long as it was in the sky the bite would be good and the struggle would be on afterwards.....
It held true again got too 11 before the moon was gone and the struggle began....
I wasn't too upset that so many piles didn't give up any fish as I would run to the other side of the lake to cool off....
Ran through my jig box tying on around 20 different color combos along with changing sizes before I found a jig that the fish would hit, it being a itty bitty 1/32oz #6 chart/chart/chart.....I gave all the jigs a fair chance but they would not hit any other jig. Even after catching a couple on a pile I would drop another color combo without a bite then would drop that itty bitty straight chart and fish on.....
I say this just to let you know even when you think the fish just won't bite keep trying different color combos and down size..... Just so you know I tied on a 1/16oz straight chart and it never got bit....
I stayed out way too long and it was way too hot, drank over 10 bottles of water and still felt dehydrated....
It was so hot my vid camera kept over temping....LOL
It never did rain and I was looking forward to a cool down....
Results are a nice box of fish......

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