A few weeks ago, a gentleman by the name of Eric was good enough to organize an East Texas Crappie Gathering. We met at the Athens Public Library and had a great time discussing crappie fishing. On Wednesday, May 22nd, we will be having a second gathering. It will be at 6:00 PM in Chandler, Tx at the San Pedro Mexican Food Restaurant. It is located at 404 State Hwy 31 E., Chandler, TX, 75758. Some of us are going to be there at 5:00 to eat and support the restaurant that is allowing us to meet there. Any and all are welcome and encouraged to attend. At our first meeting, we had several accomplished crappie anglers, so it turned into a round table discussion. For beginners or anyone looking for help, this is the place to be. Experienced anglers are also encouraged to attend, as your experience and knowledge would be welcomed. We all share what we know, in hopes of improving everyone's fishing experience. Hope to see you there.