So, I had a bad, heavy day and killed my initial fishing plan. Decided just to go to a place I’ve never fished on a lake I’ve fished a thousand times just to get out. The fishing was secondary and I couldn’t get outta my head, but oddly enough ol Ken from Hook City TV showed up to put in some scouting work and it was nice to meet him and hang out for a bit. Not the best circumstances on my end lol but it is what it is.

Anyways, hes a nice dude. Seems like a stand up guy and is a hard working man aside from the work he puts in for his channel. If you haven’t already, go subscribe, watch his videos, and help him become more successful. Same goes for our boy SK (SK’s Crappie Catchn Adventures), Dee (Crappie Head TV), and any other Texas crappie catcher out there trying. Crappie ain’t always easy to begin with. And they put in sweat, time, and money to get those videos out to us on top of all the stuff you don’t get to see, so help your fellow brothers get somewhere in return.