I saw a few folks on some other crappie boards talk about how these summer fish were tough to ketch . They say things like 80 % they see they can’t ketchn and even have graph photos of herds of fish on brush and trees.
More often than not those fish are ketchable is my thought on this .many times it’s about just getting something just so so to get bit . Crappie as we all know can be very finicky at times and this is one reason I find them so attractive as a target species .
This all said I tend to lean towards bait size and presentation when it gets like this . I think they are resting most likely between feeds and need something they can’t pass in front of them. so try small as you can find and let it just float around in them faces some . Keeping the line tight is likely part of the problem when they won’t bite . Any resistance on a subtle take and they are likely to spit it before you can hook them and or you won’t even feel the bite .An almost neutral buoyancy and a fall so slow it takes for ever to get down there coupled with a tiny offering is something most crappie can’t pass on , even if they are not feeding .
It requires a hawk like eye on the line and a pretty quick trigger finger sometimes as well , but frequently will put fish in the boat .
See the bite don’t feel the bite is the word .
Hope this helps you ketch them finicky ones