My son was ecstatic yesterday when I said “we’re on tomorrow”. Not sure what he was more excited about, going fishing with dad or taking the significant other with us. Didn’t matter to me, I had entraining company. It wasn’t a stellar day but we didn’t go empty handed. Submerged creek channel bends were the locations of the day. I mostly coached today, watching them fish. wait… isn’t that what guides do? I went in the hole on this trip. But the good times were well worth it, even priceless you could say. Matt pulled a couple over the side, Kaylianne, well that’s a different story in this self. You see, she ain’t from around here. Transplants we call em’. She’s California girl, came all the way to Tennessee just to catch her a Tennessee fish. And how. I was proud she caught that trophy Crappie. It was her 3rd fish of the day. Now Kaylianne has caught her first Tennessee fish, and a trophy Crappie just for good measure. I’ve caught several that size on that spot. That’s why we were there.

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