In an effort to assist DSJ on this I am going to post this. I hope I am not overstepping. I am proposing to have our little meet and fish at Holly Park on Saturday April 29. Now my friends I have no experience in these things so any and all suggestions and ideas are very welcome. A time still needs to be determined. As of today I do not have a weather forecast. As we all know the weather changes as fast as, well you know! April 22 is also a possible date. DSJ has pulled pork for this event. I am unsure of how to organize any more volunteers for other refreshments. Knowing how many may attend could be very important as I am thinking of something similar to the "Homecoming" style of things where everyone brings something to contribute. It may be we just get together and visit and fish. Bring your own lunch or something similar. remember these are just suggestion and everyone's input is welcome. Personally, I believe in the KISS method of doing things, "Keep it simple stupid" Now go out and play in your boat!