It was a brisk 39 degrees when the boat got backed in. The lake covered in a thick layer of fog steaming up off the water surface. We found fish on the docks in 5 to 10 feet of water. Looks like winter draw down has started on Lake Chickamauga. Water was about a foot low when the left the ramp, it was about 4 foot low when we loaded up. Water Surface temp was down to 71 degrees. Boat 6 crappie from 10.5 to 12 inches, 1 respectable red ear about 9 inches. Flipped a few short fish out of the water at hookset. Had a small largemouth at the side of the boat for a no hands auto release. Fish where under the docks with the darkest shade, really close to structure. The bite started out early as a soft hesitation in the fall of the jig. As the sun rose and burned off the fag We where getting good solid thumps. Only color we used today was a black back with a Chartreuse belly. All fish were released to bend a rod another day