Quote Originally Posted by Muskrat View Post
Our limited crappie fishing lately has been frustrating for us also. Between the "ice age" and the following shad kill most species have about shut down. We just need a few more degrees. I'm satisfied with a consistent 48 and up. Deb and I are usually putting big crappie in the boat but every year is a little different so we'll just have to be patient.
Jeff, I will fish in earnest for them shortly until the fish make a break to the spawning banks. I usually don't fish much for them then. Too crowded for me and this is a wonderful opportunity to fish for Smallmouth bass, Stripers, and Walleyes below the dams that are very close to where we live. I'll do that until the crappie quit spawning and get hard to catch again. Grin. Late May through October is usually my time to seriously crappie fish. And, every year is different as you very well know. There are spots that were dynamite last year that won't hold a crappie this year. The fish move when pressured a lot and they may not move all that far, but we don't take time to find them, do we? Grin.