me and a friend hit wateree about 6pm, catching bait was easy,weather was nice and the bite was ok, first fish a gar around 4' around 15lb, then the blues started first fish 16lb even, second fish 15lb 8oz, then my friend caught his biggest catfish ever a 45lb 12 oz hog , went for two hours no more bites moved down lake caught 2 more little blues less than 5 lb. moved for last time set up in 27' of water ,five minutes after set up caught a 31lb 7oz pig ,after that no more bites pulled up anchors and headed home around 3am ,not many fish but well worth the trip all fish still swimming. (and i dont mean in grease)
flopeye it was nice to meet you ,i am sure i will see you out their again just drop in and say hello. bowlerman (jeff)