I like to make a game plan before my trip. I make sure my rods have enough line and reels are smooth. I usually have a couple colors and weight tied on based on what worked the last trip. I then base where to fish base on the success or failure of previous trip. Then I set a plan on how I wanna fish.
Then I try to set a plan on how many I think I can catch with that game plan. Doing these things keeps me from being lazy and fishing too slow. I usually stay with the plan for 2-3 hours if it ain’t workin!!! I’m changing!! Yes, sometimes I’m late changing and I’ve wasted time “beating a dead horse”. Even so wasting time is good info for the next trip on something I should avoid. Yesterday’s Plan was to fish brush and hit 25 piles based on I was tired of chasing schools in open water and running the TM on 80 percent. The last few weeks I had some success on a few piles that I checked. I figured if I could catch 2-3 per pile on 25 that would be a good day. Last minute plan I contacted Uncle Remus to see if he was willing to beat the brush. We launched at B. Allison bout 0730 and the race was on!! We stayed the course and fished fast. Ended the Day bout 2:30 and had fished 30 piles. My goal of 2-3 was a bit too optimistic. We finished with 51 with 31 kept and a Biggun released. Was satisfied on the day since I haven’t fished the lower end in over six months. I’m sure Remus met his goal of beating me on some piles. We got to where every pile was a new game. He beat me on 2-3 straight and I had to play dirty to break his streak. Wow what a great day, two old codger chasing panfish. Life is Good.

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