Finally able to hit Wylie for a while yesterday morning. Brought my stuff to longline if I couldn’t do anything scoping. Fished above BB bridge. Started towards back of Catawba creek but it was muddy and trashy. Saw a lot of bait but nothing crappie wise to get me excited. Came out towards the mouth and caught a few on structure. Several people were longlining the river channel and several others fishing the mouth like me. Jumped down to Mills creek and worked it back to the narrow area. Not much happening there. Hit the main lake and did a lot better jumping from structure to structure. Some would be loaded with small fish with a rare nice fish. Others had better fish but would get tight lip after you picked some out of the crowd. I had one spot where I could scope 2 different piles about 80 feet apart and could watch them swim from one to the other back and forth. I think we brought home 16 nice fish.