finaly got a chance to hook up with danny (bandman) and his son ross on their boat for a nighttime striper trip to wateree. wed been trying to get together for a trip for awhile and last night we finally got'er done. we was at clearwater cove ramp preppin the boat to put in when ross asked danny for the boat keys. when danny asked arent they in the boat? i started gettin a sinking was 8:10 pm and the boat keys was at home, a hour and half one way from us....soo, deciding to complete our fishing trip, we unhooked the boat in the parking lot and danny took off to get em while me and ross guarded the 10:30 danny returned with the keys, after finally getting a signal and reaching his wife on the cell she met him in chester with the keys so he dint have to drive all the way home. we got to the honey hole around 11pm and i had four rods to fish and when i was readying the 4th rod the third rod went down.. a nice little 4 pounder that made good his escape at the boat before the net was slid under him. within 5 minutes i had another 4 pounder on so i thought its gonna be another banner night. we settled down, unfortuantly the bit never got on. we fished till 9 am and called it a night. the night was long and uneventful other than the gnats that swarmed us for about a hour just before daylight. we wound up with a half dozen or so striper, a good mess of catfish and a few perch. we had a good time even if the bite wasnt all that well and danny carried a decent mess of fish home. i was suprised to see the water temp had dropped from 83 on my last trip to 81 for this one. i figgered it would be warmer but it wasnt. it was really nice to finally get on another boat as a guest and not dealing with mine so i enjoyed the freedom for a change...that dont happen very often anymore and it was nice to be able to do so.