Met up with Sir Uncle Remus at 6:15 am at Ebenezer Park. Got on the water and the rain held at bay for about 30 minutes. We found fish but man they were not hungry at all. The rain started with a fine drizzle, and we started to catch one here and there. Of course, they moved as fast as we got lines in. We fished from the Ebenezer landing up to Big Allison pier and only had 4 Perch big enough to keep. Plan was to check our spots on the way back down on our way the old Joslin Park area. We got a couple more plus 3 crappies and 5 catfish good eating size, but all were thrown back. Got to Joslin Park and bumped around for an hour with only several perch being caught. Total was 26 fish caught and 8 keepers to bring home for me to have this weekend while my wife is eating better up in Cape Cod area visiting her sisters. With the rain and wind today, it was enjoyable to be out with no humidity and actually wasn't hot either. Thanks to Sir Remus for having me join in on the conversations and fun catching a few fish. No pictures I was too busy driving the trolling motor and talking. Water was higher today and water temp was 85.5 if that matters.